Terms for publishing the article



Articles are sent to the editorial board in an electronic version in 1 copy.

Computer typesetting of the manuscript of the article, which must be published in the scientific journal, must correspond strictly to the following requirements.

  1. One A4 format page of the text must contain not more than 1900 signs taking into account gaps;
  2. Edges: head – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left – 2,5 cm, right – 1,5 cm; from edge to running headline: head – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm; paragraph indention –1,0; font of Times New Roman; size 14; vertical spacing 1,5.
  3. The electronic version of the article is carried out in a Microsoft Word text editor  and saved with doc add-in.
  4. The manuscript should be executed according to the following criteria:

4.1. UDC index.

4.2. A branch of science and the code of speciality (according to the nomenclature of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles) according to which the article is written.

4.3. Information about the author: Full name of the author (including transliterated version), the contact mobile phone, e-mail; an academic degree and a rank, the place of work (the full official name of the organization) and a position, the address of the organization with the city code.

4.4. The headline of the article must be in the Russian and English languages.

4.5. Abstract:

    • must be written in the Russian and English languages;
    • must contain the description of main objectives and research problems; in general, without deepening in  detail, and describe the way of carrying out a research;
    • to contain the description of the most significant results of the research indicating their importance;
    • in the abstract there should not be references to literature and special abbreviations; the data which are contained in the title should not be repeated;
    • in the text of the abstract it is necessary to use significant words and phrases from the main text of the article;
    • the text must meet all standards and rules of the corresponding language and must not contain stylistic, grammatical, spelling and punctuation mistakes;
    • the  abstract size must be from 180 to 250 words.

4.6. Keywords – not less than 7 and not more than 12 (in the Russian and English languages).

4.7. Author Identification in ORCID.

4.8. The text of the article.

4.9. The bibliography (it is specified in the alphabetical order).

  1. Bibliographic references to the used sources must be specified in the text by square brackets.

Examples of the design of the bibliographic list and links are presented on the website of the journal.

Each source, presented in the bibliography, must have the reference in the text.

The editorial board will give a priority to articles corresponding to the following conditions: number of references must include not less than 20 sources including at least 50% of the published ones over the past 5 years, as well as the maximum possible number of sources in a foreign language.

References to own works are  not more than 10%.

In all sources there should be indicated: pages, year of publication, city and publishing house.






  1. Notes and paginal footnotes are not allowed in the article!

7 Notes are marked in the text with numbers (1, 3, etc.) and placed after the bibliographic list.

  1. Tables, schemes, charts, histograms have to be designed in a contrast scale of gray color. Pictures use GIF format. The editorial board does not improve the quality of the figures and does not correct the errors made in the picture. Each figure, table, diagram must have a serial number, name and explanation of all legend. All the columns in the tables must be titled.

If errors are detected in the picture, diagram, table or their improper quality of execution, the editors reserve the right to delete the figure and text related to it. Under tables and figures, you must specify the source from which the picture or table is taken (for example, author, book, journal, etc.).

  1. The units are given according to the International System of Units (SI).


  1. The article must necessarily be divided into semantic parts.
  2. Mandatory:






  1. Possible:


Problem setting

Literature Review

Research base

Research methodology

Theoretical foundations of the study

Organization of the study

Results and interpretations

Results and discussion

Analysis of study results


And others

If the article is written on the basis of an experiment, then it must be framed as follows:




11 The manuscript for publication will be taken for consideration by the editorial board only in case of obtaining the completed and signed license agreement in 2 copies (the form is on the website) by mail.

  1. The size of the article must not be less than 10 pages and not more than 20 pages of the A4 format text  typed according to above-mentioned requirements.
  2. In case the received materials do not correspond at least one of above-mentioned requirements and also in case the file of the article is infected with a computer virus, the editorial board will not consider the article for publication.
  3. The article for the journal is reviewed and receives the recommendations of two members of the editorial board, and it is given with reviews to the editor of the journal for including the article in the journal issue, its content is approved at the meeting of the editorial board. The editorial board reserves the right to send manuscripts of articles for independent examination.
  4. In case there are serious remarks under the article in the review, the article will be rejected and  the author will be recommended to improve the article according to  the reviewer’s remarks.
  5. The author receives an author’s copy of the journal by mail according to subscription. It is possible to subscribe from one issue of the journal a year.
  6. The article, approved and recommended by the reviewer of the journal, can be published within a year.
  7. The post-graduate student, who wants to  publish the article without subscription for the journal, should provide  the editor of the journal

– an official document from the department of  postgraduate study;

–  an extract from the decision of the department or other structural division on need to publish the article, verified by the organization;

– a  research supervisor’s review on the article, verified by his organization.